Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Kin Leung practices the "Fundamentals of Naturopathic Medicine" at the Naturopathic Fundamentals Wellness Clinic, in Airdrie, Alberta, Canada (587)360-1100, offering alternative medicine, integrative cancer care, Chelation Therapy, Ozone Therapy, Hydrogen peroxide, Acupuncture, Prolotherapy and more. Be proactive in your own Health & Wellness and see him today!
Dr. Kin Leung ND, has a focus in Naturopathic Cancer Care / adjunctive cancer care and he is a Fellow of the American Board of Naturopathic Oncology (FABNO). He also has an interest in auto-immune and has a general practice in natural medicine for men, women, families, and children. He customizes and personalizes his treatments to suit your needs. His goal is to help you elevate your health and wellness by treating your mind, body, and spirit with over a decade of experience behind him. He does this by combining natural medicine with holistic remedies, treating the whole person using safe, natural therapies, with current advances in modern science-based medicine. Dr. Kin is a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. Dr. Kin is an international speaker and travels around the world presenting at conferences and teaching other doctors. He has over 10 years of experience.
By appointment only.
Naturopathic Appointments are usually Covered by Extended Health Plans (We Do Not Direct Bill, you will have to submit it yourself) Credit Cards are Accepted
- Blue Cross
- Great West Life
- Sunlife
- and more...
(Check With Your Health Insurance Coverage, as everyone's insurance is different) If you don't have insurance you can also claim the visits on income tax, talk to your accountant.
(Supplements are Only sold to Patients)