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Although microscopy was invented 390 years ago, only with the recent advent of a video camera and monitor did it become possible for client to become involved by observing the immediate test results on the screen. This expanded technology is mainly responsible for the growing popularity of a live blood test.

In live blood analysis, a small drop of blood is taken from the fingertip and placed on a slide under a microscope. The patient and practitioner would view the blood cell in ‘live view’ in front of the computer monitor. With the blood specimens not being stained, we can observe the blood in its natural terrain environment against an in-direct light source.


What is live blood cell analysis?

Live blood cell analysis is an assessment tool for evaluating the state of one’s overall health. This method of analyzing blood from a patient allows the practitioner to gain information about the terrain, the nutritional status, immune system and oxidation-reduction reactions. 

The information gathered from live blood cell microscopy is not to be used as stand alone assessment or diagnostic tool. It is an experimental device for research purpose only. Dr. Kin Leung ND, makes no claims of diagnosis or treatment with this device.


How is the test performed?​

Live blood analysis involves taking a small drop of blood by pricking a finger with a sterile lancet. The blood drop is placed on a microscope slide, which is then quickly covered with a cover slide. The slide is then viewed under a powerful microscope and the magnified image can be seen.

What is the cost of the procedure?

Live blood cell analysis can be requested at an additional charge of $50 added towards the cost of a Naturopathic Visit as it will take additional time. 



Instructions :

Keep hydrated throughout the day before coming to the visit.



By Appointment Only

To book an appointment call (587) 360-1100

Dr. Kin Leung, B.Sc., N.D., CCT, CPCC, FABNO, CHt, CFMP, CCS, CHS

Naturopathic Fundamentals Wellness Clinic
Unit 6104, 403 MacKenzie Way SW
Airdrie, AB
T4B 3V7
  • (587) 360-1100
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.