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Neural therapy was developed in Germany beginning in the 1920s. 

Neural therapy is a method of diagnosing and treating disturbances of the body's electrophysiology. These electrical disturbances, called "interference fields," are manifestations of cell membrane instability and typically trigger abnormal autonomic nervous system responses. Interference fields may be found in scars, autonomic ganglia, teeth, internal organs or other locations where local tissue irritation exists.

How does it Work?
Specific homeopathic preparations, chelating agents, vitamins and/or local anesthetics are used in the injection solution. An injected anesthetic will cause a nerve to be numbed by changing the positive and negative charges on the membrane of the nerve tissue so that no sensation can be passed along such as when your lips become numb after a visit to the dentist. In neural therapy the intention is not to anaesthetize or numb the nerve, but rather to change the membrane potential temporarily, with the expectation that when the anesthetic wears off, the membrane charges and nerve function will return to normal. Neural Therapy is like rebooting the “body computer”, the autonomic nervous system, to reset regulation and normalize function.

By Appointment Only

To book an appointment call (587) 360-1100

Dr. Kin Leung, B.Sc., N.D., CCT, CPCC, FABNO, CHt, CFMP, CCS, CHS

Naturopathic Fundamentals Wellness Clinic
Unit 6104, 403 MacKenzie Way SW
Airdrie, AB
T4B 3V7
  • (587) 360-1100
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