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At Naturopathic Fundamentals, Dr. Kin believes in proactive wholistic health. Dr. Kin Leung practices the "Principles of Naturopathic Medicine" at the Naturopathic Fundamentals Wellness Clinic.

The guiding Principles of Naturopathic Medicine are the following:


Do No Harm, (Primum Non Nocere)

Naturopathic medicine follows three principles to avoid harming the patient:

Utilize methods and medicinal substances which minimize the risk of harmful side effects; Acknowledge and respect the individual’s healing process, using the least force necessary to diagnose and treat illness.

Avoid, when possible, the harmful suppression of symptoms; Naturopathic doctors choose remedies and therapies that are safe and effective, to increase your health and decrease harmful side effects.


The Healing Power of Nature, (Vis Medicatrix Naturae)

Naturopathic doctors work to restore and support the powerful and inherent healing ability of the body, mind and spirit and to prevent further disease from occurring. Naturopathic doctors identify and remove obstacles to recovery, facilitating and augmenting this ordered and intelligent healing ability.


Identify and Treat the Cause, (Tolle Causam)

The primary goal of a naturopathic doctor is to determine and treat the underlying cause rather than simply managing or suppressing their symptoms. The underlying cause may be due to diet, lifestyle habits, life events, posture or environment. Symptoms are viewed as expressions of the body’s natural attempt to heal.


Treat the Whole Person

Each person is unique and requires individualized care. In treating the cause of any condition a naturopathic doctor takes into account not only your physical symptoms, but also mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social, spiritual and other factors. Disease affects the entire person, not just a specific organ or system. Your nutritional status, lifestyle, family history, feelings, environmental stresses, and physical health are all carefully evaluated and addressed.


Doctor as Teacher, (Docere)

Naturopathic doctors will assist you in understanding health and illness. He/she will provide with an understanding of the factors that affect your health and help you balance and become more capable of maintaining your own health. Naturopathic doctors also acknowledge the therapeutic value inherent in the doctor-patient relationship.


Dr. Kin Leung ND, practices the "Fundamentals of Naturopathic Medicine" at the Naturopathic Fundamentals Wellness Clinic, in Airdrie, Alberta, Canada (587)360-1100, offering alternative medicine, Chelation Therapy, Ozone Therapy, Hydrogen peroxide, Acupuncture, Prolotherapy and more.

Dr. Kin Leung ND, has a focus in Oncology and he is a Fellow of the American Board of Naturopathic Oncology (FABNO). He also has a general practice in natural medicine for men, women, families, and children. He customizes and personalizes his treatments to suit your needs. His goal is to help you elevate your health and wellness by treating your mind, body, and spirit. He does this by combining natural medicine with holistic remedies, treating the whole person using safe, natural therapies, with current advances in modern science-based medicine. Dr. Kin is a international speaker and travels around the world attending many conferences on a yearly basis, bringing the most up to date information and techniques back for his patients. Be proactive in your own health and wellness. He is your Airdrie Naturopath and serving the surrounding, Olds, Didsbury, Drumheller, Cochrane, Calgary area.

By Appointment Only

To book an appointment call (587) 360-1100

Dr. Kin Leung, B.Sc., N.D., CCT, CPCC, FABNO, CHt, CFMP, CCS, CHS

Naturopathic Fundamentals Wellness Clinic
Unit 6104, 403 MacKenzie Way SW
Airdrie, AB
T4B 3V7
  • (587) 360-1100
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.